How to restrict the scope of a Search or filter to a specific Baseline

Smi Babu
Smi Babu Member Posts: 5
edited November 2016 in
Do Jama support searching items in a baseline (i.e how to restrict the scope of a search to a baseline), is this possible by creating a filter in which the scope can be set to a specific baseline, so that the results returned are pertaining to that baseline and not on the current version of a requirement.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 911
    edited June 2016
    Smi, thanks for asking this question. There currently isn't a way to filter via baseline. As Harald noted, he submitted an idea so that we'd consider adding this capability. I recommend voting on that and adding commentary if you have additional context for why it's needed.
  • Smi Babu
    Smi Babu Member Posts: 5
    edited November 2015
    Hi Kristina, 
    my request above is different, We need to be able to categorize set of requirements into a release so that we can see all those reqs belonging to a release from the release tab. We also want to be able to baseline these releases say when we hand it over to say IVV so that they can refer it for updating the Test Modules. While using a baseline of a release, if one need to find a specific requirement from the hundreds of requirements, it helps if we can search for say some keywords or word in a attribute or apply a filter that returns only requirements that meets the search/filter criteria and belongs to that specific baseline release. 

    So for example if one searches for 'Video Announcement' in a baselined release, it should only return requirements which had 'Video Announcement' in the baselined version of the release, it shouldn't return reqs which didn't have 'Video.....' in the baselined version of the release even though the current version of the req has the search word ('Video...') 
  • Smi Babu
    Smi Babu Member Posts: 5
    edited November 2015
    Thanks Harold, I do consider the request in your link definitely helpful. I will vote

    However my request above is different, please see my response to Kristina
  • Rich Mann
    Rich Mann Member Posts: 14
    edited November 2016
    Sounds like an EXCELLENT idea.  We've come up with many working solutions that would all require this ability.  So, we haven't implemented any of these working solutions because this ability currently doesn't exist.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 911
    edited June 2016
    Thank you for the added context.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 911
    edited June 2016
    Thanks for chiming in, Rich. To be clear, what of Smi's idea is it that you have found a need for—is it filtering to a specific baseline or searching within the Baseline and Release tabs themselves?
  • Smi Babu
    Smi Babu Member Posts: 5
    edited November 2015
    Jama supports creating a release and baselining the release, once the release is baselined or for that matter a set of items is baselined, we need to be able to search within that baseline (or iin other words scope of the baseline is the selected baseline only)
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 3
    edited June 2016
    I too support Smi's request. We would like to stipulate a specific baseline in the filter conditions to support the overlap between testing the current s/w release and developing the next release. We baseline rqmts and test cases with each software delivery (new release). We continue development of new capabilities for the next release while the current release undergoes customer test. Rqmts get modified and added as part of the new development but the testers need to use the baselined version of the rqmts when testing the current release.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 911
    edited June 2016
    Gus, thanks for adding some context to Smi's request about why this could help your organization. Updating baseline functionality is currently in the works, and this is a great enhancement to consider.