Indentation of objects in Baselines


one of our report developers asked me, why the indentation attribute that describes the depth of an item with the project tree is not populated to the baseline it belongs to:


UseCase 1: Iterate over the project hierarchy --> results in the depth of the object in the tree (e.g. "3" for Heading 1.1.1)

#foreach($vDoc in $documentList)

#set ( $docNode =  $documentNodeDao.getDocumentNode(5,$

#set ( $indentCount =  $docNode.getIndent())



UseCase 2: Iterate over all documents within a baseline --> depth is always "1" (because all objects are obviously in the same level in the baseline)

#set( $currentBaselineDocumentIDs = $baselineDao.getDocumentIds( $tmpBaseline.getId() ) )

#foreach($baselineDocumentId in $currentBaselineDocumentIDs)

#set ( $docNode =  $documentNodeDao.getDocumentNode(5,$baselineDocumentId))

#set ( $indentCount =  $docNode.getIndent())


It would make report development easier if the indentation would be populated into the baseline, e.g. when documents are created from baselines and the hieararchy of the elements needs to be taken into regard within the generated document.
