Velocity Report showing licence usage

Harald Hotz-Behofsits
edited August 2016 in
I have created a velocity report showing the usage of float and creator. It shows the usage for the last 30 days.

<head1>Daily Usage of Jama Licenses usage last 30 days</head1>
Started print $dateTool 
<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
<td>Failed Logins</td>
<td>Max Available</td>
<td>Used Named</td>
<td>Assigned Named</td>
#set($licSvc = $applicationContext.getBean("dwrLicenseService"))
#set($LicLastDays =$licSvc.getLicenseDataForLastNDays("last30Days",$org,"FLOAT"))
#set($NamedLastDays =$licSvc.getLicenseDataForLastNDays("last30Days",$org,"NAMED"))
#foreach($LicDay in $LicLastDays)
#set($NamedDay = $listTool.get($NamedLastDays,$cnt))
Finished print  $dateTool 


  • [Deleted User]
    edited June 2016
    AWESOME. Thanks for sharing this!
  • Harald Hotz-Behofsits
    edited February 2019
    This velocity report does not work any more due to unknown changes.

    I use now this SQL query that works with ms sql server.

    select top 30 licusageNamed.usage used_named, licusageFloat.usage used_float, licusageFloat.snapshotDate
    (SELECT TOP 1000000 max(cast(propertyvalue as integer)) usage,propertyname,CAST(ls.createdDate AS DATE) snapshotDate FROM license_snapshot ls,license_snapshot_properties lsp
    and propertyname ='FLOAT-non-reserved-active'
    group by propertyname,CAST(ls.createdDate AS DATE)) as licusageFloat,
    (SELECT TOP 1000000 max(cast(propertyvalue as integer)) usage,propertyname,CAST(ls.createdDate AS DATE) snapshotDate FROM license_snapshot ls,license_snapshot_properties lsp
    and propertyname = 'NAMED-non-reserved-active'
    group by propertyname,CAST(ls.createdDate AS DATE)) as licusageNamed
    where licusageNamed.snapshotDate=licusageFloat.snapshotDate
    order by licusageFloat.snapshotDate desc
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Product Team
    edited February 2019

    Thank you for this thoughtful update!