Click on a link, automatically show where it is in the explorer tree

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 68
edited July 2016 in

here's another idea from one of our users. How about if when we click on a link to go directly to an item in Jama, it opens up the Explorer tree to where that item is located?

This would be, in essence, like automating the "Find Me" function when you first get into Jama through direct URL.

For many of us, we get a link from a colleague to check out something in their project, but without knowing the context it can be hard to orient ourselves. Having the default project explorer tree unexpanded isn't useful in this case; if we clicked on a link to auto-go to an item directly, we're probably most interested in that item and where it is, rather than the overall project.

What do you think?




  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 911
    edited June 2016
    Ed, thanks for sharing your user's suggestion. I must admit I never thought about this, but it makes a lot of sense!
  • Brian Hair
    Brian Hair Member Posts: 13
    Want to echo this request as well. Have users requesting that the explorer tree do a "find me" for whatever item they happen to be in. So perhaps if the explorer tree was context aware of where you were and what item you had open.

    Also, when an item is deleted there may still be links out in the wild to that item. The link will take you to Jama, but not where the Requirement was. You then have to find the related test cases manually to delete them. It'd be nice if the link would take you to where the item was so that you can see the related items to the one that was deleted.
    Brian Hair
    Software Engineer I