Add a feature to enable modified subject line in email notification

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 1
edited March 2018 in
Hi Jama team

Currently when people update (add comments) to Jama, subscribers receive an email notification with default subject line. Default subject line is not practical when people subscribe multiple projects and cannot easily identify the notification of specific project.

This request is to add a feature enabling modification of subject line by project owner. This will make the notification more traceable and people can search/sort more efficiently.Many people have suggested this feature since 2015 in the Jama community discussion. it will help many people moving forward. Please consider the benefits for the users.Thanks.



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Business Analyst Posts: 19
    edited March 2018
    We'd like to see the item ID in the subject line as a default - as the ID shows both the Project and item type in the numbering format so helps users see what the comment relates to.

    The ID is shown when a user adds a comment to a review item but not all the time (e.g. the 4th email in the screenshot is a review comment that shows the ID, the 2nd email does not but is still a review comment. Emails 1 & 3 relate to comments on the item directly and not added during a review but again, no ID is shown in the email subject.

    We would like to see consistency in the email subject by including the ID for all comment related emails with the ability to change the subject where practical. All 4 emails contain links within the body of the email, but as Mei-Ling stated, it is not easy for the user to see what each email refers to with the current inconsistencies across email subject naming.
  • Luigi Salce
    Luigi Salce Member, Data Exchange Posts: 7
    edited April 2018

    We would like to be able to change the organization name in the Email Notifications to display the project name in the Subject line. 

    We have users who will be added to multiple project teams for Reviewing items across multiple projects. A item set in the review notification is not enough information for the users to understand which project the review belongs too. 

    The current work around is vulnerable to user error.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] System and Business Analyst Manager Posts: 9
    edited December 2020
    This feature would be very helpful to our organization. We will find the following format very helpful: Project Name, Project ID and Item Name in the email subject line. If we can have Jama comments behave this way and the workflow notifications too it will make finding, searching, sorting items so much easier. Thank you. 

    Comments Notifications

  • Kevin Steigerwald
    Kevin Steigerwald Jama Staff, Product Manager Moderator Posts: 14
    edited December 2020
    Thanks, Victoria (and everyone above). We'll take a closer look at what we can do here. I agree that the notifications lose their value unless there is better formatting and context.
    Kevin Steigerwald
    Director of Product Design
    Jama Software