Test Case Status Field

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 3
edited November 2019 in
Test Cases that are run in parallel for 2 different Test Plans result in incorrect Test Case Status results.

For example, we have a Verification Test Plan and a Validation Test Plan.
Both Test Plans (Ver and Val) use some of the same Test Cases. 
Both Test Plans are simultaneously active.
The result is that I cannot print out a report using the Coverage Explorer, because there are inconsistent Test Case Status results based on this help text.  (see the below picture that contains the business rules - red box)

3 workarounds I can think of:
1.) Duplicate test cases and only run the Ver TCs on the Ver TP, and the Val TCs on the Val TP.  This results in extra work on the front-end for creating duplicate TCs, and there is the problem of keeping the TCs consistent over time.
2.) Create only 1 Test Plan and separate the Ver from the Val using Test Cycles instead of TPs.  This is not an option because my Quality organization requires separate Test Plans for each activity.
3.) Click through each TC and Test Run to find the results and manually update my report.  This caused in excess of 400 clicks and a few hours of time to ensure accurate (report) results.

Suggest that you allow the user to choose the latest execution date rather than the red box business logic described above.

This could be accomplished by an Admin setting, similar to this one...



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 79
    edited January 2020
    Hi Tom,

    In case you are running your test plans in sequence and are interested only in the results of newer test plan(s), you should archive your older Test Plans. Test Cases status are defined only based on active Test Plans.

    If needed, you can even archive / de-archive test Plans to generate different reports; but be aware that (de)archiving a Test Plan is visible to all users.

    Hope it helps,