Filter by Folder in the Explorer Tree

Chad Wessendorf
Chad Wessendorf Member Posts: 1
edited March 2018 in
Original Jama Support Ticket: #41520

We have a need to filter the explorer tree to only show a specific folder across multiple components. For example below, filter 'Radius' folder and it only shows you sub-items based on that folder.

Specifically, PLM360, OTM, and MES folders AND items would NOT show up:

The current filters do not support this behavior and only look at specific items, not folders themselves.

Thank you!


  • Victor Cheung
    Victor Cheung Member, Data Exchange Posts: 90
    edited March 2018

    We also have a need for this.

    We would like to expand on this and be able to create filters that can define conditions that apply to attributes of Components, Sets, Folders, and even Projects.

    For example, the ability to create a filter that finds:
    • All Components which match any of the following names "name1", "name2", "name3", etc

