Left Tree View Drag/Drop Speed Enhancement

Lauren Cordova
Lauren Cordova Member Posts: 23
edited March 2018 in
We often want to modify the order of items in the left side menu tree explorer view in the Projects section.  The performance of dragging and dropping is extremely slow, especially considering we have to do a single item at a time and wait for the entire project to renumber before we can make another change.  When the number of items in a certain branch gets too large to easily manage, we create folders for the items, and then have to drag and drop a lot of content into the newly created folders.  This simple task can be very time consuming when Jama recalculates the data after every change.

I suggest having a button that can freeze the tree such that it can be modified without updating the underlying data until the user is finished with all changes, and then only when "saved" will the items be renumbered.  This will significantly improve the speed for the users and will also avoid so many unnecessary database operations (we use the hosted version).  This approach is common on other platforms and would be beneficial for Jama to use as well.