Floating point item field

Roman Sickaruk
Roman Sickaruk Member, Data Exchange, Functional Safety Kit (FSK) Posts: 8
edited April 2019 in


after Jama Workshop with Matt Mickle, we discovered that floating-point arithmetic might be needed.

In order to achieve that functionality, we would like to kindly ask you for improvement - adding floating point field type for items in Jama.

Kind regards,
Roman Sickaruk


  • Roman Sickaruk
    Roman Sickaruk Member, Data Exchange, Functional Safety Kit (FSK) Posts: 8
    edited June 2019

    in addition to previous request we would like to ask for further improvement - adding decimal calculated field (as integer one). The possible scenario could be the following:

    1. Decimal field type:

    "As an admin, I want to add decimal field type in items so that the user can provide decimal inputs to Calculated-Fields and is not able to enter wrongly formatted entries

    Details: Valid entries are US-style decimal possibly followed by "%" or empty or "-" or "TBD"

    Background: The calculated fields supports decimal numbers since it can input an average or a pick-list with US-style decimal entries."

    2. Dimensioned decimal filed (Unit):

    "As an admin, I want to associate a decimal type field to a string type field as unit field (in the same item) to indicate that the value taken into account in calculated fields is the decimal value multiplied by its unit field scaling factor (if any) so that the user can scale their decimal inputs and that constancy of the values dimension (unit field root) in the calculation is checked.

    Details: standard or custom unit associated with standard scaling factor prefix (ex: mOhm, kOhm, …, mVCC where VCC is a custom supply voltage, …).

    Related decimal field (%):

    "As an admin, I want to associate a decimal type field to another decimal type field as reference value (in the same item) to indicated that when the first decimal field X is ended by a "%" the value taken into account in calculated fields is the reference value multiplied by X/100  or (1+X/100) if the first decimal field has a "-" or a "+" prefix so that the user can for example define a minimal and a maximal value in % related to a typical value.

    Thank you.
    Kind regards,
    Roman Sickaruk