Catalog comments - view comment history

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 14
edited February 2020 in
Our team wants to use Jama to track action items following reviews and other meetings we hold that involve Jama. It would be best if we could use the comments widget to help us.

In the comments, we @ mention the individual and mark the comment appropriately (!issue, !question...). It is difficult for me to track these comments. I have an option to filter for them in the stream, but this doesn't show items and is extremely limited in display and filtering options. 

To help us, we would like to have a better view of cataloged comments with details about when it was made and when it was resolved and by who, in potentially a list view. Other feature requests touch on this and simply having the ability to filter items by comments with open issues/questions/etc will definitely help. 

A history of the comment stream in a very simple export would be helpful as well.
