Ability to Exclude Feedback on Folders and Sets in a Review

Tom Green
Tom Green Member Posts: 56
edited July 2018 in
Problem Statement:
When sending a component, set or folder of items around for review, Reviewers are confused by having approval buttons for sets and folder names.  When moderators look at stats, reviews with many folders will show many items at "not finished", when in fact it's just the folders and sets that aren't receiving input.

In this example, I've sent a review for a component that contains a set with many nested folders underneath.  The nested folders all show up as needing approval, but we actually don't care for reviewer input on set/folder names, just the requirements and other items inside them.

When looking at progress against a review that has many folders in it, the stats are deceiving.  You see 27 "not reviewed" items in this example, but most of those are just folder names, not the actual requirements.  Not helpful.

Create a Review setting for "hide feedback for sets/folders" or the ability for a review moderator to "turn off" feedback for certain items in a review (less user-friendly but more flexible).
Tom Green
Thermo Fisher Scientific