Link usergroups to user objects in Jama REST API

Zach Weg
Zach Weg Member Posts: 1

My company has a common but chatty use-case for the Jama rest api where we want to know all the projects a specific user has access to via usergroups. Currently this requires us to get every usergroup's users as well as every usergroup's linked project. Some of these requests may be paginated as well. This results in two requests for every usergroup plus the initial request to get all groups. This usually takes 30+ seconds to complete and is only getting worse.

The Jama rest api is on the right track with the optional include parameter but there are some missing object links, that if implemented, would allow us to use the include param to greatly reduce our api requests.

What is needed is to have usergroups linked to users so that the "Get user by userid" endpoint can include linked usergroups. Then we can make one request to get a user and subsequent requests for each linked usergroup including the linked project. In all cases this would result in a fraction of the api calls compared to the current option. It is also a great example of Jama's vision for the use of the include param.

Jama version and instance: 
Using latest rest api version on Jama cloud