Test Case Status - Behavior change

Vladimir Cech
Vladimir Cech Member Posts: 183
edited May 2018 in
Example: We have one test case, that is executed in two test runs. Each test run is in a different test plan.We executed 1 test run and it failed. We executed the second test run later and it passed. The test case status after these two executions is failed as it is calculated based on https://community.jamasoftware.com/blogs/carmen-lastname/2017/09/29/how-does-the-status-of-a-test-run-factor-into-the-status-of-a-test-case

But it means that we are getting incorrect results of the test cases execution as in fact the last test case execution (through the test runs) is passed.

How we can fix this incorrect behavior or when Jama is going to allow possibility to change how the test case status is calculated in configuration?
Thank you