Review Center - Viewing Full Version History

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Member Posts: 5
edited September 2018 in

Sometimes, requirements change from one release to another. When we do that, we need to go through a process of review and approval all over again, according to CFR 820.21/30 - Design Controls. 

Now - Jama helps with this but it doesn't help too much in helping understand what are the changes that were added to a certain requirement, while the requirement is in the "Review Center". I am not talking about changes performed during the review, but changes performed both outside and inside the review, which are listed under the "[[[V]"(ersions) functionality, accessible from the project view, for each item there. 

It is also very difficult for whatever reason, to go to the actual requirement within the project from the Review Center. There is no link back to the requirement from there, which seems awkward; one needs to switch to another window that would have the project open, then do a search by title or phrase (also - not even the GID or ID shows up there, which would speed up the search) and then filter the results, then look  through the results and then you hopefully find it. This is... counterproductive.

To summarize, here's what we would like:
  1. Have the  version history available in the Review Center, for any item subject to review.
  2. Ability to navigate from the Review Center into the project for each item subject to review. It's just fine to open another tab to perform that navigation.

I tried searching for this in the list of feature requests but I wasn't able to locate it. If it's already there - I hope it gets implemented really soon, as the lack of these features is a productivity hindrance right now.

Thank you!