"Reuse" of fields within item types

Vladimir Cech
Vladimir Cech Member Posts: 183
edited April 2018 in

This request follows following request https://community.jamasoftware.com/communities/community-home/digestviewer/viewthread?GroupId=7&MID=309&CommunityKey=4eac21f6-24d1-4f1e-92bd-76860b52af2c

It would be good if it is possible to "reuse" fields within item types. For example:
There is a field called "Automation" in the test case that contains name of the script for test automation. Then when the test run is created it would be good to have this possibility to take over the "Automation" field to the test run and display it in the test run and in the list view of the test cycle. This feature is now missing but it would be beneficial not only it mentioned case but also for other attributes e.g. platform, test team etc.

To Jama: Please provide your standpoint if you consider to extend Jama capability by this and when.
Thank you
