Support customization of Master/Detail Item Types

Lawrence Anvari
Lawrence Anvari Member Posts: 11
edited April 2020 in
Hi again Jama folks,

A couple days ago I submitted a suggestion for improving the Relationship feature in Jama. That approach didn't really do the trick :) so I am wondering about this.

How about the ability to customize items that are of a Master and Detail type?

In Jama, the Test Case and Test Run item types support this type of master and detail relationship. See screen shot:

An example of a Master Detail type item in Jama

  • Ideally the details in a master/detail type item could be customized just like other item types.
  • Ideally we could drag and drop detail items into a master item, just like you can drag and drop items in the Jama explorer.
A good example would be a data dictionary item that supported the Table/Field as a master/detail item type. The table should be a single entity that could be documented along with its detail items - its fields.

Another example is Process/Task. We need to document different info on both these types of items. And yet a process is made up of a set of tasks.

The Jama container types (component, folder, set) do not do the trick. You can't customize a container type and you can't relate them to other items.
I have seen many other BAs struggle with these types of Master/Detail items.

Jama's attention on this would be much appreciated.