Include attachments in Velocity Reports (HTML/Word)

Jeff Abbott
Jeff Abbott Member, Data Exchange Posts: 31
I am not able to return the document attachment list in my velocity reports.  I have attached a sample vm file (context sensitive) and included the contents below. This file was derived from an existing discussion (Displaying attachment file information in a velocity report)

#set( $attachmentDao = $documentSource )
<br>Size: $documentList.size()</br>
#foreach($vDoc in $documentList)
<br>document: $</br>
#set( $attachList = $docDao.getDocument_DocAttachments($mathTool.toInteger($ )
#if( $attachList.size() > 0)
#foreach( $attachment in $attachList)
#set($AttachmentItem = $attachment.getAttachment() )
Attachment Name: $<br>
Description: $AttachmentItem.description<br>
#set( $attachmentId = $AttachmentItem.getAttachment().getAttachment() )
#set( $attachmentFile = $attachmentDao.getAttachment( $mathTool.toInteger( $attachmentId ) ) )
<br>File Name: $attachmentFile.getFileName()</br>

Jeff Abbott
Orlando FL


  • Peter Lampacher
    Peter Lampacher Member, Jama Connect Interchange™ (JCI), Jama Validation Kit (JVK) + Functional Safety Kit (FSK) Posts: 14
    edited October 2022
    Hi Jeff!

    This is the code I am using (Jama 8.74):

    ## retrieve attachment(s) info
    #foreach($attachment in $attachments)
    "attachmentId" : $attachment.getAttachment().getAttachment(),
    "fileName" : $documentSource.getAttachment($attachment.getAttachment().getAttachment()).getFileName(),
    "name": $attachment.getAttachment().getName(),
    "description" : $attachment.getAttachment().getDescription()})

    ## display in a table row (attachment name and URL pointing to the attachment)
    #foreach($attachmentInfo in $attachmentInfos)
    <td><a href=${baseUrl}/attachment/${attachmentInfo.attachmentId}/v/${attachmentInfo.fileName}>

    Hope it helps. 

    Kind regards,

    Peter Lampacher
    Original Message:
    Sent: 10-09-2022 07:09
    From: Jeff Abbott
    Subject: Include attachments in Velocity Reports (HTML/Word)

    I am not able to return the document attachment list in my velocity reports.  I have attached a sample vm file (context sensitive) and included the contents below. This file was derived from an existing discussion (Displaying attachment file information in a velocity report)

    #set( $attachmentDao = $documentSource )
    <br>Size: $documentList.size()</br>
    #foreach($vDoc in $documentList)
    <br>document: $</br>
    #set( $attachList = $docDao.getDocument_DocAttachments($mathTool.toInteger($ )
    #if( $attachList.size() > 0)
    #foreach( $attachment in $attachList)
    #set($AttachmentItem = $attachment.getAttachment() )
    Attachment Name: $<br>
    Description: $AttachmentItem.description<br>
    #set( $attachmentId = $AttachmentItem.getAttachment().getAttachment() )
    #set( $attachmentFile = $attachmentDao.getAttachment( $mathTool.toInteger( $attachmentId ) ) )
    <br>File Name: $attachmentFile.getFileName()</br>

    Jeff Abbott
    Orlando FL
  • Jeff Abbott
    Jeff Abbott Member, Data Exchange Posts: 31
    edited October 2022

    Thanks Peter!
    This works well.

    Jeff Abbott
    Orlando FL
    Original Message:
    Sent: 10-12-2022 01:36
    From: Peter Lampacher
    Subject: Include attachments in Velocity Reports (HTML/Word)

    Hi Jeff!

    This is the code I am using (Jama 8.74):

    ## retrieve attachment(s) info
    #foreach($attachment in $attachments)
    "attachmentId" : $attachment.getAttachment().getAttachment(),
    "fileName" : $documentSource.getAttachment($attachment.getAttachment().getAttachment()).getFileName(),
    "name": $attachment.getAttachment().getName(),
    "description" : $attachment.getAttachment().getDescription()})

    ## display in a table row (attachment name and URL pointing to the attachment)
    #foreach($attachmentInfo in $attachmentInfos)
    <td><a href=${baseUrl}/attachment/${attachmentInfo.attachmentId}/v/${attachmentInfo.fileName}>

    Hope it helps. 

    Kind regards,

    Peter Lampacher

    Original Message:
    Sent: 10-09-2022 07:09
    From: Jeff Abbott
    Subject: Include attachments in Velocity Reports (HTML/Word)

    I am not able to return the document attachment list in my velocity reports.  I have attached a sample vm file (context sensitive) and included the contents below. This file was derived from an existing discussion (Displaying attachment file information in a velocity report)

    #set( $attachmentDao = $documentSource )
    <br>Size: $documentList.size()</br>
    #foreach($vDoc in $documentList)
    <br>document: $</br>
    #set( $attachList = $docDao.getDocument_DocAttachments($mathTool.toInteger($ )
    #if( $attachList.size() > 0)
    #foreach( $attachment in $attachList)
    #set($AttachmentItem = $attachment.getAttachment() )
    Attachment Name: $<br>
    Description: $AttachmentItem.description<br>
    #set( $attachmentId = $AttachmentItem.getAttachment().getAttachment() )
    #set( $attachmentFile = $attachmentDao.getAttachment( $mathTool.toInteger( $attachmentId ) ) )
    <br>File Name: $attachmentFile.getFileName()</br>

    Jeff Abbott
    Orlando FL