Jama Connect Interchange 1.5.2 Patch Release - Deploying March 31

Debbie Mitchell
Debbie Mitchell Jama Staff, Data Exchange, Jama Connect Interchange™ (JCI), Product Manager Moderator Posts: 29

Dear Jama Connect Interchange Customers,

Today we are deploying a patch release (1.5.2) to all Jama Connect Interchange Cloud instances. This patch resolves an issue where inline image files in Jira HTML fields were syncing to Jama Connect incorrectly.

  • JCI is performing the update on Friday, March 31, from 1:00pm – 2:00pm PT.

  • During the update, integrations will be paused for a few minutes. Any pending syncs will resume automatically after the update is complete.

Though this patch specifically targets Jira integrations, all Interchange cloud customers, including Excel Functions customers, will receive the patch.


Debbie Mitchell
Product Manager
Jama Software