Export (user-modified) List View to a Word document in table-format
I am trying to configure an Export Option for my team to export a list view of a Set, to a Word Document with tables.
My users have a Set opened, in which they configured their own custom List Views (i.e. they selected which columns/fields to display). One user likes 7 columns (=fields) shown in the List View, another has only 3 fields shown in the List View. And they vary those columns often and want to create Word exports based on that current view ("I want a WYSIWYG but then to Word and in tables")
When exporting using JAMA's Excel Default, the currently displayed columns in the List View are also exported into that Excel as column. Which is exactly what I need, if I can get that to work towards Word as well! (my users want Word).
I've asked them if they can copy the Excel export and paste it to Word but they find that cumbersome, also with formatting.
I've tried to experiment with a custom template with mailmerge fields, but my knowledge so-far is that for Word Exports, I have to fix (predetermine) the fields that should be displayed in the template/table, as such:
«TemplateStart:REQ»«documentKey»: «name»«TemplateEnd:REQ»
... rather than keep the content flexible and have it populate based on the currently created view in JAMA.
Can someone help how to realize a Word Export to tables, where the fields in the export are based on the user's currently created view?
R Brouns