PUT testruns to JAMA is not updating the description

Josy Kuriakose
Josy Kuriakose Member Posts: 1
edited March 13 in Peer-to-Peer Support Forum
I am using the REST APIs to create a new testCycle and publish test results to JAMA.

When using "PUT /testruns/{id}" API; I use the data as given below. 

<em> data = {</em>

<em>                "fields": {</em>

<em>                    "testRunStatus": "PASSED",</em>

<em>                    "description": "Sample Test description",</em>

<em>                }</em>

<em>            }</em>

And send it to given test run as given below.

jama_client.put_test_run(test_run_id=test_run['id'], data=json.dumps(data))

The testRunStatus gets updated successfully. But the "description" never gets updated. When I get the same test run; I see description as "".

'fields': {....., 'testRunSetName': 'Automated_Tests', 'description': '', 'modifiedDate': '2024-03-05', 'testRunStatus': 'PASSED', 'project': 81, 'forcePassed': False, 'executionDate': '2024-03-05'}

Can I get some help with this issue? 

Josy Kuriakose
10X Genomics