Introducing the Live Trace Explorer™ — Beta

Amanda Jennewein
Amanda Jennewein Jama Staff, Vertical Solutions Moderator, Data Exchange, Administrator, Automotive Solution, Medical Devices & Life Sciences Solution, Robotics Solution, Airborne Systems, Functional Safety Kit (FSK), Jama Connect Interchange™ (JCI), Jama Validation Kit (JVK) + Functional Safety Kit (FSK), Product Manager Moderator, JVK+FSK Moderator Posts: 28
edited March 2024 in Live Trace Explorer™

This release introduces Live Trace Explorer™, which provides comprehensive and detailed insights into your complex product, systems, and software development processes. This feature automates the measurement of requirements traceability, coverage across disciplines, and your organization’s toolchain. 

Live Trace Explorer™ provides an at-a-glance snapshot of the traceability of your product's requirements to help you quickly and efficiently evaluate coverage, address any gaps, and proactively manage associated risks by answering two key questions:

  1. How Complete Is My Traceability? Completeness is measured by the coverage percentage of the items in the diagram based on the total number of expected relationships for items within each tile. These roll up into the Trace Score for the entire diagram.
  2. What Is The Quality Of My Traceability? Paths between any two tiles represent all of the relationships between the items of those two tiles. Suspect links appear in red to let you know the quality of traceability in your project is at risk.

As part of our open Beta, Live Trace Explorer™ is now available to all customers by request. When enabled, admins can create, save, and view diagrams for all projects with admin access. Admins can also enable those with creator licenses to view saved diagrams per project. 

If you'd like to learn more or request access, you can see Jama Connect® Help.

Note: The Live Trace Explorer™ documentation is available with the Jama Connect® 9.9.0 Cloud Release. FAQ for Live Trace Explorer Beta

Amanda Jennewein She/Her/Hers
Head of Support
Jama Software®


  • Steve Kay
    Steve Kay Member, Jama Connect Interchange™ (JCI), Jama Validation Kit (JVK) + Functional Safety Kit (FSK) Posts: 28

    I've attempted to create diagrams in different projects and at top-level, intermediate and low-level components with no useful results. Is there a particular location-based pattern of related item types that I need to follow for results to be produced? The documentation hasn't been helpful with this.

    Steve Kay
    Principal Systems Test Architect
    Hologic - Breast Health
  • Kevin Steigerwald
    Kevin Steigerwald Jama Staff, Product Manager Moderator Posts: 14

    @Steve Kay thanks for the note. If possible, I'd encourage you to reach out to your CSM and schedule a discussion where we can review specific scenarios and learn more about your use cases.

    Kevin Steigerwald
    Director of Product Design
    Jama Software
  • Esteban Gamez
    Esteban Gamez Member Posts: 8

    Hi! i would like to be able to filter the status when i create a live trace. If i'm not able to do that, the result porcentage is never really accurate since e.g. it "tries" to find a trace for a "rejected" requirement.

  • Jonas Crosby
    Jonas Crosby Member, Medical Devices & Life Sciences Solution Posts: 11

    We are welcoming this effort to make it easier to get an overview of the current traceability trace, but as @Esteban Gamez points out the diagram is of very limited value for us without any filtering options. We would like to know the traceability of a certain release, and of course without including obsoleted or deferred requirements. The inability of Jama to take into account deferred and obsoleted requirements is also giving us trouble in the traditional coverage explorer. Is there something we have not understood on how Jama is designed to handle requirements and other items that for some reasons need to be ignored from a given reporting scope?

  • Jonas Crosby
    Jonas Crosby Member, Medical Devices & Life Sciences Solution Posts: 11
    edited September 2024

    It is also strange that when a component contains sets of different item types, the downstream items are identified by name, while the upstream item types are just indicated by the icons:

    Again, I have a suspicion the we are not using Jama the way as you designed it to work (or that you haven't designed Jama to work for the way we are using it ;-))