Review Center Questions

Peter Kim
Peter Kim Member, Data Exchange, Functional Safety Kit (FSK) Posts: 15

A user asked me these questions. I searched but could not find a way do enable the user to do what he wanted. Can you help? Thanks.

  1. Is there a way to add a table of contents to the review? (right now reviews seem to just dump our a long list based on selected material from containment tree)
  2. Is there a way to add headers to differentiate sections of the review?
  3. Is there a way to move the order to content in the review? (When I made a mock review, it looks like it automatically placed them in the order that they appear in the containment tree)


  • Patrick Garman
    Patrick Garman Jama Staff, Data Exchange, Automotive Solution, Medical Devices & Life Sciences Solution, Robotics Solution, Airborne Systems, Jama Connect Interchange™ (JCI), Jama Validation Kit (JVK) + Functional Safety Kit (FSK) Posts: 9

    Hi Peter,

    A few quick answers to your questions:

    1. Yes! In the Review, participants can open a tree of items in the review by clicking the magnifying glass icon to "Find Items":

    2) Reviews can only contain items from a given Jama Connect project. If you initiate a review from an explorer tree container, the sub-containers will be included in the review and serve as section headers in the same way they do within the project.

    3). Review items are ordered by project heading for each item. You can filter review items by keyword search on the name or description fields or by item tags when you open the "Find Items" panel in the review.

  • Peter Kim
    Peter Kim Member, Data Exchange, Functional Safety Kit (FSK) Posts: 15

    Thank you Patrick for your answer. It was helpful.