Reports History - Delete Report permissions?

Alex Frain
Alex Frain Member, Data Exchange, Jama Connect Interchange™ (JCI) Posts: 27

We are running Jama on-prem v8.79.5

It was brought to my attention that users that have read access to a project with write access to specific components/sets within the project are unable to delete their reports in the Reports History screen. This includes reports generated from sets they have write access to. They receive an Error stating "You don't have permission to perform this action".

If a user has write access to the entire project then they can delete their reports.

I'm wondering if this is the expected behavior. Possibly in a newer release this is not an issue? As an org admin, I don't want to give users write access to entire projects when they only need write access to a specific area and I'd rather not have to delete their report history for them.

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