New Review Comments & Signatures Velocity Report Feedback

Dimitrios Pananakis
Dimitrios Pananakis Member, Jama Validation Kit (JVK) + Functional Safety Kit (FSK) Posts: 57

Dear all,

I've recently had a chance to test the new Review Comments & Signatures Velocity Report that was introduced in version 9.11 due to the phaseout of the BIRT platform. After testing it I found that the new report,

  1. contains item descriptions (not included in BIRT report and are not necessary for such document / should be optional if not deleted)
  2. has a bug and does not indicate the correct review version on reviewed items
  3. contains a comment summary (not included in BIRT report and is not really helpful) instead of Number of Approved/Not approved items

I am wondering, have any of you also found these problems? Is there a plan to address the above problems/issues in a later release?
Warm regards


  • Dimitrios Pananakis
    Dimitrios Pananakis Member, Jama Validation Kit (JVK) + Functional Safety Kit (FSK) Posts: 57

    @Amanda Jennewein Can we please have an official response on this?

  • Dimitrios Pananakis
    Dimitrios Pananakis Member, Jama Validation Kit (JVK) + Functional Safety Kit (FSK) Posts: 57

    @Amanda Jennewein Can we please have an official response on this?

  • Amanda Jennewein
    Amanda Jennewein Jama Staff, Vertical Solutions Moderator, Data Exchange, Administrator, Automotive Solution, Medical Devices & Life Sciences Solution, Robotics Solution, Airborne Systems, Functional Safety Kit (FSK), Jama Connect Interchange™ (JCI), Jama Validation Kit (JVK) + Functional Safety Kit (FSK), Product Manager Moderator, JVK+FSK Moderator Posts: 28

    @Dimitrios Pananakis This peer-to-peer forum is intended to provide opportunities to work with each other. Please continue to work with Support, who is working internally, on the request you submitted. Thank you.

    Amanda Jennewein She/Her/Hers
    Head of Support
    Jama Software®