How to update field in multiple Test Runs?


Any ideas, how to update value of text field in multiple Test Runs?

I exported necessary test runs using 'Excel Export for Roundtrip' template, updated field in Excel file and tried to import it - however, Jama does not allow to select Test Runs or Test Plans in Data Import Wizard → Destination field.


  • Dmitriy Maksimov
    Dmitriy Maksimov Member Posts: 2

    Just to save it, I managed to do multiple updates using JAMA API, example:

    PUT JAMA_URL/rest/v1/testruns/404207

    { "fields": { "jira_defect_reference$37": "<p>ID-1</p>\n", "build_version$37": "<p>Build 2</p>\n", "testRunStatus": "FAILED" }}