Tool Qualification

Cary Bryczek
Cary Bryczek Jama Staff, Vertical Solutions Moderator, Data Exchange, Jama Connect Interchange™ (JCI), Jama Validation Kit (JVK) + Functional Safety Kit (FSK) Posts: 6
edited June 2024 in Airborne Systems

Jama Connect™ can optimize many human and documentation processes within Requirements and Test Management activities. Software development requires many tools including design tools, code generation tools, compilers/linkers, libraries, test tools, and structural coverage tools. DO-178C tool qualification is considerably changed from DO-178B; tool qualification pertains to development, testing, and combined hybrid tools. Different qualification criteria apply to each and most tools do NOT need to be qualified. When required, DO-178C tool qualification utilizes a subset of DO-178C. The position of Jama Software is that tool qualification (per DO-178C definition) of the Jama Connect™ application isn’t required.

Tool qualification is a vital part of the certification process for airborne systems and equipment, as documented in the DO-330/ED-215 Software Tool Qualification Considerations. DO-330/ED-215 introduces the concept of Tool Qualification Levels (TQL) which are assigned according to three criteria: 

Criterion 1 

A tool whose output is part of the airborne software and thus could insert an error 

Jama Connect is not a criterion 1 tool. 

Criterion 2 

A tool that automates verification processes and thus could fail to detect an error, and whose output is used to justify the elimination or reduction of: 

Verification processes other than that automated by the tool, or 

Development processes that could have an impact on the airborne software. 

Jama Connect is not a criterion 2 tool. 

Criterion 3 

A tool that, within the scope of its intended use, could fail to detect an error. 

 An unqualified compiler or an auto-code generator from an UML tool would therefore fit criterion 1. A qualified version of the same UML tool would fit criterion 2, because its use is designed to reduce the overhead of code verification processes. 

Jama Connect is not a criterion 3 tool. 

For more information this is a great article: