How do you deal with document-driven industries?
Oftentimes, requirements need to be delivered in some specification format established by the industry. With all the data-driven approaches being taken where document outlines are not emphasized and we have flatter information architectures, where should document outlines be addressed, through folders in the project, or should it be part of the document template that one uses to export the requirements?
Szabolcs Agai Jama Staff, Data Exchange, Automotive Solution, Medical Devices & Life Sciences Solution, Robotics Solution, Airborne Systems, Jama Connect Interchange™ (JCI), Jama Validation Kit (JVK) + Functional Safety Kit (FSK) Posts: 7
Cover page, Table of Content, header and footers, company logos, fonts and formattings can be set in the office template export file or in the velocity script for the document export.
The requirement/test case/etc. structure of your document for mailmerge word template export is usually the folder/set structure that you have in your Jama Connect project.For Velocity script export you could hard-code the structure in the Velocity script, however it is more flexible and adaptive if you use the folder/set structure above.
Thank you for asking
Have a great day
Couple of URLs on this subject: