How do I find all the latest editors e.g. for previous 7 days?

Filtering items and limiting them for updates for e.g. 7 days will provide you a bunch of items. From that list you can then filter by Author to see all those item authors but it is the original creator of that item.

Then you can add the column to show Modified by but that would give you only the latest modifier name, not all the users who have edited that item during the past 7 days.

Question: How do I get list of those users who have made any updates in my projects during e.g. 7 last days?



  • Andrew MacCormack
    Andrew MacCormack Member, Jama Validation Kit (JVK) + Functional Safety Kit (FSK) Posts: 73

    You can get this with the REST API to extract the history, and maybe in Velocity?

    Andrew MacCormack
